What is backtracking?

Understand backtracking, a popular algorithm in computer science, and visualize its application to the N-queens problem.


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Feedback and Report on my International Service

Report on presentations, guest speaker notes, and workshops in Central Asia:

I decided to share for those who were not able to be part of these meetings:

There are five things I have been sharing:

1) how to use online resources in the classrooms;

2) what resources are helpful, to begin with;

3) how examples look like;

4) what can we learn from others and what we can give to others;

5) what learning opportunities exist internally and externally;

The first example is the e-portfolio that has all social media and other resources students and teachers can use if they want to include multimedia and technology resources.

-google is a good place to start exploring things.

-writing is hard but using medium.com one can develop writing and computer skills.

-wix.com is another good tool for young students who want to start to develop and promote their schools and projects.

-blogs are great to read and have concise information regarding specific disciplines

-youtube channels on specific topics are the great place to start

I shared and showed some example for graduate students and faculty who want to improve their learning skills.

Besides we had a great talk about different educational systems, way of learning, topics related to motivation and time management, and opportunities to study.

What I learned:

-explored students’ interests

-found interesting and smart young students and future scholars who support me and who ideas are aligned with mine

-enjoyed observing students’ interaction

-answered students questions but also thought about some crucial points students mentioned

-compared and shared some cross-cultural ideas

NOTE: as a guest speaker in specific conferences I had a pleasure of speaking about my special and sharing new theories and practices on nonformal learning and world languages and cultures, teaching and learning languages.

Things to do:

-continue writing own work

-when I rest continue presenting and helping more specifically to grad students and faculty to find calls for proposals:

(conferences, peer-reviewed journals, online non-credit programs)

V celom ochen rada chto smogla sdelat poleznoe i podelitsya chemu ya nauchilas. Kak govoryat -Sharing is caring ili Avicenna o’zimizning Abu Ali ibn Sino kabi bobokalonlarimiz aytganlaridek “o’rgandingmi boshqalarga o’rgat- o’qidingmi-boshqalarga ulash “…….

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