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Starting a Photography Project 365


A year of growing my photography skills (hopefully).

Project 365 is a popular photography challenge where people shoot a photo every single day for a year in hopes of rapidly growing their skills through all that practice or jumpstarting themselves out of a creative rut. I’m hoping for both.

The pandemic has had me shooting less than ever. I used to carry my big camera everywhere, and now I just occasionally snap photos of my kids with my phone. Photography has always been about capturing memories for me, and honestly, there were large chunks of the last couple of years I didn’t want to remember. I stopped documenting regular life, and I miss that.

On the upside, when I did pick up my camera, I started shooting wildlife. I hope to continue to grow that more.

Some people add on the rule to the project that you must also edit and post the photo somewhere every day. My goal is only shooting. I’ll probably cull and edit once or twice a week just to not get too behind. As for sharing, I’ve done away with all social media at this point. I’m trying to keep pictures of my kids off the internet now, so if I post shots of them anywhere it will be to a private photography forum. If I share any photos of them here in the future, it will probably just be the backs of their heads.

I did complete a Project 365 successfully once several years ago. I saw big gains, and I’m hoping to see them again. Knowing I needed to check “take a photo” off my list every day had me carrying my camera places I normally wouldn’t, trying out new lenses and techniques, and getting more variety to my shots in general.

My favorite photos aren’t normally the ones from holidays or vacations where everyone overshoots. They’re the ones of my children being goofy around the house. Project 365 made sure I shot lots of those.

Photo by Author @ NC Zoo in Asheboro, North Carolina

I hardly ever plan my photos ahead of time. I don’t pose my kids very much. I just shoot what happens…

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